Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

CAD U1 USB Dynamic Recording Microphone

CAD U1 USB Dynamic Recording Microphone..

CAD U1 USB Dynamic Recording Microphone

Grab Now CAD U1 USB Dynamic Recording Microphone By CAD

Most helpful customer reviews

217 of 224 people found the following review helpful.
5Read this before you believe bad reviews!!!
By Daniel C. Cronk
My girlfriend got me this mic for my birthday as I like to write music in my free time. This mic works beautifully for the price and anyone who says otherwise probably didn't read the instructions that came with the mic. There is actually a setting on your computer (for PCs) called either "AGC" or "Mic Boost" if this is enabled on your mic it will be very sensitive. I too was experiencing buzzing when I first plugged in my mic but after READING THE INSTRUCTIONS I found that if you turn off this setting on the mic it will eliminate all those extra noises you don't want to record. So I went into my mics settings in the control panel and turned of the "AGC" option and now the mic records beautifully and I have no extra noises in my recordings.

143 of 149 people found the following review helpful.
5Great mic, people on here are WRITING bad reviews becuase they don't know how to use it!!!
By Mattinthebox
Okay you guys, i read many of these reviews before getting this product, and they said it picks up all these radio signal sounds and such but there is any easy solution to completely getting rid of that horid buz sound. I bought this thinking what the heck its $30, cheapest usb mic on the market. At first when recording i heard very annoying sounds, so I began to do some research online about what causes this sound. See most laptops and some desktops, actually most desktops now days have two pronged electricity power cords; it's missing the third one. The third one makes the device(computer) grounded meaning electricity can't pass through all the computer's ports and such. This electric current goes through the usb port of the mic thus causing the buz sound. Simply if you have a laptop unplug the computer and the mic will work amazingly!!! On desktop computers, if you don't have a back up battery then simply buy a three prong adapter from radioshack and add it on to the end of the desktop's power cord. This will also get rid of this buzzing sound that people are leaving horrible reviews about. The mic itself is amazing for the price it could be easily be compared equal to some hundred dollar mics!!! The plastic stand that it has works very well. Also, the usb plug is gold plated which allows more data to pass to the computer allowing better quality in recordings. Not only this, the mics cord is actual at least a meter and a half long which is absolutely awesome. Like most professional mics, a windscreen and a pop filter are very important to bring the best quality of this item. I use this for vocals and rapping and it works very well. I actually became disappointed with all the bad reviews thinking that their mic is broken or is a cheap piece of trash, so please support this review so people see it at the top, so they know how to use a usb mic!!!
thanks for reading, Mattinthebox

152 of 160 people found the following review helpful.
4Works for me
By S. Fontenot
I bought this mic to record voices for some amature video games my friends and I make (and secretly for beatboxing late at night). To this end it worked well, so I got a few friends together one day and we decided to try singing into it. Again, it worked above expectations. So I decided to put it to a real test: I recorded myself playing solo bassoon at various distances, and I was surprised at how it could pick up everything from tongue and pitch alterations to the clicking of my keys in a quiet room (with the boost on).

However, the puff reduction (thing that keeps the "p" sound from squealing) doesn't work nearly as well as I had hoped, but this is remedied by keeping a fair distance away when talking. Doing so subjects the recording to room noise and echo, but it's a fair price to pay for a $40 mic. Thumbs up.

See all 395 customer reviews...More...

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